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Using a Tiny Home as an Additional Dwelling Unit on Your Property

A Tiny House as an added dwelling unit
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The trend of having an additional dwelling tiny home in your property is spreading everywhere and is quite visible through social media platforms. “Accessory Dwelling Units” is a more sophisticated way to call them, and this idea has existed for decades. Though these tiny homes improve the overall look of the main house, there should be other things to take into account when building it, such as understanding the regulations and considering the surrounding areas. Below we will discuss these points in more detail.

There are varieties of what we refer to as tiny homes. Backyard cottages or guest houses can be examples of tiny homes (as dwelling units) because these are entirely separate from the main house. These additional tiny homes are an extension of the primary residence. Similarly, other “tiny homes” can be built above the garage or basement.

These additional tiny homes go beyond just a trend; from providing extra space for relatives to using it to generate rental income, tiny homes can be used for a wide variety of purposes. As mentioned before, certain factors must be considered before having this additional space on your property.

•A Clear Idea of Local Rules and Regulations

Even though mobile tiny homes, additional dwelling units, and backyard cottages are all some forms of tiny homes, they have different requirements, so make sure you are aware of the differences in order to achieve the vision that you have for your home.

Something that you should keep in mind is that tiny homes that are constructed as additional dwelling units cannot be sold separately from the main house.

As with any house, you must follow plumbing, electricity, and space regulations. Different fire codes and energy efficiency systems vary in each state and city, particularly for the additional dwelling units. If these are not considered carefully, building permission might not be granted.

Tiny Home experts have the needed knowledge while designing these homes. However, it is always a good idea to be in the loop and do your research to avoid future issues. The clearer your ideas are, the better your building project will be because your contractor will be able to follow the proper regulations.

• Utility Connections

These additional homes are just a tiny version of the house you’re living in, so it’s essential to have the same necessary utilities as your current home. Some of the requirements are that your tiny home must have accessible emergency exits, and entries should be at a suitable spot and not squished in between buildings. As mentioned before, reliable electric and plumbing connections are also required. In a nutshell, utilities should be arranged to make day-to-day tasks easier.

• Privacy

Privacy should be discussed from the start, as the amount of privacy needed might change depending on the use of the housing. If you use the space as a hangout spot for friends or a place for older adults, a shared backyard will be ideal enough to make the space perfect for such gatherings. However, if it will be used as a rental space, then a sense of separation from the primary house is needed to provide privacy to the people living there.

In conclusion, tiny homes provide many options; they can enhance the quality of living and lifestyle and can be lucrative. However, it must be planned and designed strategically, considering all the safety factors and local-level rules and regulations.

If you are looking to build a small home, Generations Tiny Homes is the right choice. We have over 80 years of experience creating affordable housing that follows the regulations, so you don’t have to worry about anything. To know more about how a tiny home can change your life for the better, visit our website or contact us today and join the Tiny Home community!

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